Hello Everyone! I am Nakamura, representative director of Sanctuary’s headquarters.
イギリスのTonyから製作依頼を頂いた、RCM-513 Z‐1(Part-6)です!
This is RCM-513 Z1 (Part-6) requested by Tony in the UK!
Assembling of the engine has been initiated!
Upon measuring a gap of transmission gear with a thickness gauge, adjust the position of the gear using a precise shim.
この銅色のシリンダースリーブが特徴的な PAMS ESTスリーブは φ71ピストン用に
With its characteristic copper-colored cylinder sleeve, PAMS EST sleeve has been made one size larger for φ71 piston.
Displacement of this RCM-513 is 1,045 cc.
カムチェーン回りのアイドラーパーツは 全てSANCTUARY製のオリジナルに交換。
All of idler parts relating to cam chain have been replaced by SANCTUARY genuine parts.
バルブガイド交換やシーリングカットなど 精密加工されたシリンダーヘッドに
A valve is built in on the cylinder head for which precision work has been made such as valve guide exchange and sealing cut.
Fasten a chrome-molybdic stud with a high torque which has been strengthened by the mounted cylinder head.
カムシャフトを組んで、ヘッドカバーを被せれば エンジン完成!
Assembly of engine is completed by assembling the cam shaft and covering it with the head cover!
早速エンジンを搭載! リズミカルな早い流れで進んでますね。
Mount the engine promptly! Rhythmical and smooth flow of work goes on.
Once the engine is mounted, speed of work is further accelerated because various parts can be installed at a breath!
NITRO RACING製 チタンエキゾーストマフラーを取り付け・・・
In addition to installation of NITRO RACING titanium exhaust muffler,
YOSHIMURA MIKUNI製 TMR-MJN デュアルスタックファンネルキャブレターも
TMR-MJN dual stack funnel carburetor of YOSHIMURA MIKUNI has been also installed!
最後は美しくペイントされた 外装パーツの取り付けに。
Finally, the work goes on to attaching of external parts with beautiful coating.
Hi, Mr. Tony in the U.K.
Assembling of your only original Z1 with a serial number of RCM-513 is soon to be completed!
Next time, let us show you the completed car!
To Be Continued