Hello Everyone! I am Nakamura, representative director of Sanctuary’s headquarters.
毎日の様に届く 海外からのメール・・・
その中に今回の依頼主である Tonyからのメールがありました。
E-mails arrive from overseas almost every day —- one of them was an e-mail from Tony who is our client for this time.
その後 RCM Z1の製作が決定!
Because we can’t speak English, after several e-mail exchanges with him through translation, the making of RCMZ1 has been determined!
今までもRCMは、海外からオーダーを 何台も頂いて来ましたが
Previously, we had orders of RCM from abroad, but the order for this time has come from the UK!
Z1’s frame to be used as a base.
年式が旧い事から わずかな曲がり・歪などがある為、最初に必ず
Due to the old model year, it may have slight curves or twists. That’s why we never fail to measure the frame by laser at the beginning…
In case there is a curve or twist, we carefully make adjustments by stretching it.
We process the accurately adjusted frame.
担当は自分 中村と、湯浅のコンビ! 頑張りますよ~!
Persons in charge are a duo of Nakamura, me, and Yuasa! We’ll do our best!
まずは不要部位を切り取り 絶断面をきれいに仕上げます。
First, we cut unnecessary parts and finish the cutting surface cleanly.
フレームの補強材を 一つひとつ製作し始めました。
We started making reinforcement materials for the frame one by one.
これから暫くの間 製作の模様をご紹介させて頂きますね~!
Hi! Tony in the UK! The serial number of this machine is RCM-513! We are going to show you the making process for some time to come!
To Be Continued